Another unpaid review, this time by the Historical Novel Society, showed why so many reviewers and readers have loved this book. The HNS published this review in August 2020 in its HNR Magazine, Issue 93.

“The editor’s foreword describes the book as “a historical novel—with the emphasis being on ‘historical.’” I agree. History is its strength. This fascinating account features international competition, espionage, sabotage, and the rise of the Bolsheviks and the Russian Revolution. … In his unabashed homage to the Nobels, the late scholar Togrul Bagirov provided intriguing setting, action, and historical references. So, yes, the historian put the emphasis of his historical novel on historical.”

We are happy to know that more and more avid history buffs and historical fiction readers are liking the book and appreciating the story and the research that went into writing this historical novel.